
The opinions expressed in this blog are my personal opinions. They do not reflect the opinions of my employer or anyone else and do not provide any official or unofficial interpretations or guidance on what is being written about. They are simply "my thoughts".

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Vegetable Harvest

Today the children in our nursery pulled and dug up all of the vegetables that have been growing in the school garden.

 Each class planted a wide range of veg back in May/June in their own square raised bed. 

This was a new venture for us and most certainly there are no gardening experts in the staff, although some maybe a bit better than others!!

Some classes planted small plants while others planted everything from seed. The vegetable we grew are:
potatoes, broccoli, celery, leaks, spring onions, radishes, mixed salad leaves, broad beans and carrots.

Today our early years teacher made a huge pot of soup with the vegetables. The children helped with the chopping and grating. The children were all very keen to try the soup in the afternoon.

Tomorrow the nursery children are having a vegetable sale.

 They are  going to make up £5 vegetable boxes and sell them to parents and friends.

 All of the proceeds from the sale are going to the Pakistan disaster appeal.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Haven't the vegetables grown well! That must be due to the West Coast having the best weather in August of all the UK! Seriously!
